We know that the old, obsolete polyurethane and silicone catheters used in PICC lines, central lines, and midlines do nothing to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections.” Greg Vigna, MD, JD

“Infections during the neonatal period are associated with cerebral palsy in both premature and term babies … the present study highlights the need to improve upon strategies to mitigate the risk of neonatal infections” … Jarred Garfinkle, Neonatologist, University of Toronto.

What else did Dr. Garfinkle’s report in “Neonatal Infection in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Registry-Based Cohort Study” published in Pediatric Neurology 80 (2018) 77-83 state?

“Children with prior neonatal infection were more likely to have a white matter injury, spastic diplegic neurological subtype, and sensorineural auditory impairment.

Term-born children with neonatal infection were more likely to have spastic triplegia or concomitant white matter and cortical injury, and more severe gross motor compared with preterm children.”

To read Dr. Garfinkle’s article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29428154/

Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national pharmaceutical injury attorney explains, “This study is consistent with the literature that infections during the neonatal period cause injury to the white matter to both preterm and term babies which then cause ongoing problems to their developing brain. The white matter injury leads to spastic diplegia and spastic quadriparesis.”

Dr. Vigna adds, “We know sepsis in very low birthweight babies leads to a four-fold increased risk of cerebral palsy. We know sepsis and septic shock lead to brain damage, multi-organ failure, and amputations in patients of all ages. We know that children with neonatal infections are at significant risk of sensorineural auditory impairments. We know that the old, obsolete polyurethane and silicone catheters used in PICC lines, central lines, and midlines do nothing to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections.”

Dr. Vigna concludes, “We are investigating sepsis in neonates, children, and adults caused by bloodstream infections caused by PICC lines, central lines, and midlines. There is no justification for using PICC lines, midlines, and other central lines that do not use the super hydrophilic models that are currently available for use and that were designed to substantially reduce the risk of blood clots and infections associated with the lines. Profits over patient safety is not acceptable.”

What is sepsis? Multiple organ damage from inflammation as a result of an infection that may result in organ damage to the brain, kidney, heart, liver, and lung.

What is septic shock? A life-threatening condition that causes dangerously low blood pressure because of infection that may result in amputations of fingers and toes, brain damage, kidney failure, ventilator dependence, oxygen dependence, and nerve damage.

Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC lawyer who represents those with serious injuries caused by defective medical devices including PICC lines, midlines, central lines, and MedPorts. He represents the injured with the Ben Martin Law Group, a national pharmaceutical injury law firm in Dallas, Texas. The attorneys are product liability and medical malpractice attorneys, and they represent the most injured across the country.

To learn more: https://vignalawgroup.com/powerport-venous-catheter/