Cerebral Palsy and Line Sepsis: Defective Polyurethane and Silicone PICC Lines
“The results of this study, based on a contemporary cohort, confirm that proven sepsis has a major impact on neurodevelopmental [...]
Spinal Cord Injured Risk Factors for Decubitus Ulcers Prior to Rehabilitation
“It is impossible to achieve independence with self-care when you are an acute spinal cord injured patient with a Stage [...]
“Prophylactic” Mid-urethral Sling Placement at Time of Hysterectomy: End of a Dark Era
“In patients with low-risk cervical cancer, simple hysterectomy was not inferior to radical hysterectomy with respect to the 3-year incidence [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: The Importance of Plastic Surgeons
“Dr. Herbert Conway, plastic surgery, wrote about his experience with 1,000 cases of sacral, ischial, and trochanteric decubitus ulcer providing [...]
Hospital-acquired Sepsis “Warrants Expanded Investigation”
“Compared with patients with community-onset sepsis, patients with hospital-onset sepsis are twice as likely to require mechanical ventilation and ICU [...]
Neonatal Infection and its Association with Cerebral Palsy: Investigation is Required
We know that the old, obsolete polyurethane and silicone catheters used in PICC lines, central lines, and midlines do nothing [...]
Vigna Law Group: More Bad News for the Coloplast Altis Mid-urethral Sling … Groin Pain
“The study aims to compare the efficacy and safety of bulking agents and single-incision slings … at our follow-up there [...]
Surgical Emergency: Acute Cold Foot, Time to Medical Care is Critical
“We found that the largest time delay was between onset of symptoms and first contact to a medical doctor. A [...]
Cauda Equina Syndrome: Supreme Court of North Carolina Rejects Loss of Chance Doctrine
“We identified that decompressive surgery within 24 hours of onset of autonomic symptoms in cauda equina syndrome incomplete reduces bladder [...]
Neuropathic Pain Following Hernia Mesh Repair: Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Study
Study shows that TAP block should be considered early, from the onset of the first pain symptoms “We argue [...]
Long-term Acute Care Hospital: Designed for Flap Reconstruction-Decubitus Ulcers
Patients with deep Stage 3 and Stage 4 who are not provided flap closure have a 17% risk of [...]
Vaginal Mesh Update: Transobturator Sling Removal with Pudendal Neurolysis
Polypropylene-induced fibrosis links to pudendal neuralgia; red flag symptoms and PVDF benefits emphasized In our second clinical case, an [...]