Life changing injuries caused by the inappropriate use of the commonly prescribed antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone drug class continues across the USA.

Life changing injuries caused by the inappropriate use of the commonly prescribed antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone drug class continues across the United States despite a series of Black Box Warnings. The most recent FDA Warning was in March of 2018 and this was a strong recommendation for physicians to avoid the drug class for uncomplicated infections including acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, uncomplicated urinary tract infections, and acute bacterial sinusitis.

Greg Vigna, MD, JD, practicing physician, national neurological injury attorney, and Certified Life Care Planner states, “I have practiced medicine since Cipro was brought to the market-place and then Levaquin. These are very effective antibiotics historically used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, community acquired pneumonia, bronchitis, diverticulitis, and sinusitis and were widely used because they can be taken by mouth so they could be used in outpatients since IV administration is not needed.”

“If you have suffered from myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, permanent neuropathy, torticollis, or aortic aneurysm following use of Cipro or Levaquin, we are investigating these cases.” — Dr. Greg Vigna

Not all black box warnings are equal. In 2008 the FDA published the first black box warning as it related to the fluoroquinolone drug class and it was directed to risks for tendinitis and tendon rupture. In 2013 there was one that related to the potential for irreversible nerve damage. In 2016, there was a warning for the potential for permanent side effects to the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, muscles, and tendons.

Dr. Vigna states, “Which each Black Box Warning a doctor has a legal obligation to warn their patients of the potential complications with use of the drug and possible alternative therapies. If that warning does not occur and there is no consent by the patient and there is harm as described by the Black Box Warning there is a basis for a lawsuit. If Cipro or Levaquin is prescribed for a medical problem that the FDA states that physicians should not prescribe drug and there is injury, there is a basis for a lawsuit.”

Dr. Vigna concludes, “If you have suffered from myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, permanent neuropathy, torticollis, or aortic aneurysm following use of Cipro or Levaquin, we are investigating these cases. These injuries require life-time care and these patients require compensation. We focus on severe neurological injuries and injuries that require long-term care. There may be a basis for a malpractice action against a physician or hospital if a quinolone is used and injury occurs.”

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Greg Vigna, MD, JD
Vigna Law Group
1155 Coast Village Rd., Suite 3, Santa Barbara, CA

Greg Vigna
Greg Vigna, M.D., J.D., PLC
+1 800-761-9206
