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So far krenfro1 has created 94 blog entries.

Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care: Conservative Wound Care with Osteomylitis

Evaluating ineffective care provided at LTACs that is destined to fail for those with Stage 4 decubitus ulcers. “There is no reliable evidence in the literature that patients with Grade 4 decubitus ulcer of the sacral region with an associated bone infection who are treated with conservative wound care without flap closure go on [...]

2024-01-07T01:50:44-07:00January 18th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer|0 Comments

La silicosis causada por piedra artificial: la medicina china común retrasa la progresión de la enfermedad

Se han producido brotes de silicosis entre los trabajadores de la industria de la piedra artificial (PA). "Se han producido brotes de silicosis entre los trabajadores de la industria de la piedra artificial (PA), y actualmente no existe un tratamiento antifibrosis eficaz para la silicosis Tras un tratamiento de 3 a 12 meses ... [...]

2024-01-19T19:31:33-07:00January 18th, 2024|Espanol|0 Comments

Neonatal Sepsis in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants: PICC Lines

Obsolete technology poses risks for infant sepsis, safer technology exists that reduces the risk of blood clots and infection. “This large cohort study suggests that neonatal infections among extremely low-birth-weight infants are associated with poor neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes in early childhood” … Dr. Barbara J. Stoll, MD, JAMA, November 17, 2004, Vol. 292, [...]

2024-01-07T02:00:26-07:00January 16th, 2024|Medical Malpractice, News|0 Comments

Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care: Path to Osteomyelitis and Malnutrition

Evaluating hospital-acquired and nursing home-acquired decubitus ulcers and the care offered at Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals. “We describe treatments and outcomes of hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction or coverage … 44% patients were readmitted due to complications from osteomyelitis, and 17% died” … Laura Damioli, MD. Therapeutic [...]

2024-01-07T01:43:17-07:00January 12th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer|0 Comments

Absceso epidural torácico: es necesario realizar una RM temprana y una evacuación quirúrgica urgente

El diagnóstico erróneo de un absceso epidural torácico puede dar lugar a paraplejia, incontinencia intestinal y vesical y pérdida de la función sexual. "Basados en los resultados, los investigadores recomiendan una resonancia magnética temprana de la columna vertebral, análisis de laboratorio, cultivo del absceso seguido de antibióticos empíricos y descompresión quirúrgica inmediata cuando se [...]

2024-01-07T01:33:35-07:00January 11th, 2024|Espanol|0 Comments

PICC Lines: Risk of Line Associated Thrombosis in Cancer Patients

Newer PICC lines substantially decrease the risk of occlusion of the catheter, swelling of the arm, blood clots, and blood infections. “This incidence of PICC thrombosis is relatively high, and nearly half are asymptomatic”… Dr. Yuxiu Liu, MD. Oncology Department, the Hospital of Qingdao University. What did Dr. Liu’s study “Peripherally inserted central catheter [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:56-07:00January 7th, 2024|Medical Malpractice, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Efecto adverso imprevisto con el cabestrillo Altis: un estudio revela que 7 de 125 pacientes sufrieron dolor inguinal

En el estudio de JMIG, 7 de 125 mujeres manifestaron experimentar dolor inguinal en las 6 semanas siguientes a la colocación del cabestrillo Altis. “125 mujeres se sometieron a la implantación de un cabestrillo mediouretral de incisión única...En la Unidad de Cirugía Ambulatoria del hospital... 2 pacientes notificaron acontecimientos adversos (AA) imprevistos...En la Unidad [...]

2024-01-07T01:15:44-07:00December 27th, 2023|Espanol|0 Comments

PICC Line Complications in 15% of Children with Osteomyelitis, 3.4% Require Re-hospitalization

Providing antibiotics via a PICC line in both the inpatient and outpatient settings may not be as benign as once accepted. “Providing antibiotics via a PICC line in both the inpatient and outpatient settings may not be as benign as once accepted … Mounting evidence has called into question whether longer parenteral therapy is [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:57-07:00December 18th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, PICC Lines|0 Comments

VAC Pack Doesn’t Save Lives of Patients with Decubitus Ulcers: Ineffective Care in Focus

Poor outcomes for decubitus-related osteomyelitis patients without myocutaneous flapping. “Among patients with decubitus-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo myocutaneous flapping, outcomes were generally poor regardless of treatment, and not significantly improved with prolonged antibiotics.”… Laura Damioli, MD. Therapeutic Advance in Infectious Disease. Volume 10, pg. 1-9. 2023. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer [...]

2024-01-07T01:00:17-07:00December 11th, 2023|Decubitus Ulcer|0 Comments
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