“According to the National Quality Forum (NQF), ‘Never Events’ are errors in medical care that are clearly identifiable, preventable, and serious in their consequences for patients, and indicate a real problem in the safety and credibility of a health care facility,” according to CMS Newsroom.

Read about Never Events: https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/eliminating-serious-preventable-and-costly-medical-errors-never-events

Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician and ‘Never Event’ attorney, states, “We represent ‘Never Event’ Care Management Events that include serious Stage III and Stage IV hospital acquired decubitus ulcers across the country. Included are several clients who suffered these serious decubitus ulcers caused by wrist and ankle restraints that prevented the injured person from repositioning themselves. Essentially, they were tied down in bed and the restraints prevented them from moving, causing the bedsore.”

Dr. Vigna continues, “Restraints in clinical practice are sometimes necessary to protect patients from harm when they are confused or delirious from medical conditions, including sepsis. However, they must be used appropriately and followed closely to ensure that patients remain safe. We have filed a claims against Antelope Valley Health for injuries which we allege were caused by the inappropriate application and monitoring of a wrist restraint that resulted in a below elbow amputation and prolonged septic shock.”

Dr. Vigna concludes, “Hospital ICUs generally have the most experienced nurses and support staff. This type of injury is a ‘Never Event’ for a reason. Proper application to ensure the wrist restraint is not too tight as to occlude distal blood flow and that there is sufficient capillary refill distal to the restraint is basic nursing management. It is unclear at this time how a restraint injury wasn’t described as being within the differential diagnosis for the physical findings described by both nurses and doctors who cared for our client.”

Greg Vigna, MD, JD, is a national malpractice attorney and an expert in wound care. He is available for legal consultation for families and patients who have suffered decubitus ulcers due to poor nursing care at hospitals and nursing homes. The Vigna Law Group, along with Ben C. Martin, Esq., of the Ben Martin Law Group, a Dallas, Texas national pharmaceutical injury law firm, jointly prosecute hospital and nursing home neglect cases that result in bedsores nationwide on a non-exclusive basis.

Case Number: 25AVCV00173
Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles