“Our client has been seriously injured by a physician’s selection of the Altis mini-sling and his failure to timely remove the device after immediate intractable pain following implantion,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national malpractice attorney.
Dr. Greg Vigna, mid-urethral sling attorney, states “The SIMS trial in 2022 revealed that the Atlis device is known to cause more thigh and groin pain at two years when compared with the Bard Adjust mini-sling and full-length mid-urethral slings and 20% risk of dyspareunia at two years. The Altis device comes with more involuntary incontinence during sexual activity at all time points compared with the Bard Adjust and full-length mid-urethral slings.”
Read the SIMS trial: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK587586/
Dr. Vigna adds, “We allege that Dr. Janis selected a bad device and failed to timely provide complete mesh removal after she suffered serious immediate neuromuscular injury following the placement of this device. If there is evidence of nerve damage immediately after implantation, it should be removed. That is common sense and the standard of care for a urologist placing mid-urethral slings.”
Dr. Vigna concludes, “Coloplast 522 Altis study shows there is a unique high frequency of pain, unlike full-length mid-urethral slings. This data can’t be ignored by implanting physicians and this choice can’t be justified.”
What was reported by Dr. Le Mai Tu in the “Management of female stress urinary incontinence with single-incision mini-sling (Altis): 36-month multicenter outcomes” in Neurourology Urodynamics. 2023; 42: 1722-1732?: (See Table 4).
Read the Altis 522 Study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/nau.25256
Vigna Law Group is investigating the Red Flag Warning symptoms of neurological injury from mid-urethral slings. including:
“Other: Non-pelvic pain” including anatomic groin pain (inner leg pain), thigh pain, hip pain.
“Pelvic/Urogenital (groin) pain”: Pain not including the inner leg, thigh, or hip including:
– Inability to wear tight pants
– Clitoral pain or numbness
– Severe pain that makes vaginal penetration impossible
– Tailbone pain
– Anorectal pain
– Painful bladder
– Pain with sitting
Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC lawyer who focuses on catastrophic pain syndromes caused by mini-slings such as Coloplast Altis sling and Boston Scientific Solyx sling, including pudendal neuralgia and obturator neuralgia. He represents women with the Ben Martin Law Group, a national pharmaceutical injury law firm in Dallas, Texas. The attorneys are product liability and medical malpractice attorneys, and they represent neurological injuries across the country.
Click here for a free book on Vaginal Mesh Pain.
Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Westchester
Index No: 77033/2024