“The first question I think that needs to be answered by hospitals that cause a Stage IV bedsores is if there is a plastic surgeon on staff that can fix the problem,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, malpractice attorney, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

What does the study by Dr. Damioli say about Stage IV bedsores that are complicated by osteomylitis?

“We describe treatments and outcomes of hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction or coverage.

1. Of 89 patients meeting inclusion criteria, 34 (38%) received surgical debridement and greater than 6 weeks of antibiotics; 55 (62%) received either antibiotics alone or debridement and less than 6 weeks of antibiotics. Mean age was 55.

2. Within 1 year, 56 (63%) patients were readmitted, 38 (44%) patients were readmitted due to complications from osteomyelitis, and 15 (17%) died.

3. We found no significant differences in readmission, readmission related to osteomyelitis, subsequent sepsis, or death by treatment group.”

What was the conclusion of the study?

1. “Among patients with decubitus-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo myocutaneous flapping, outcomes were generally poor regardless of treatment, and not significantly improved with prolonged antibiotics.”

Read Dr. Damioli’s study: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20499361231196664

What do Harvard plastic surgeons say about the surgical treatment of decubitus ulcers?:

“Despite patients with poor baseline functional status, flap coverage for pressure ulcer patients is safe with acceptable postoperative complications. This type of treatment should be considered for properly selected patients.”

Read Harvard plastic surgeon’s article: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.5999/aps.2018.00262

Dr. Vigna states, “I’ve been on hospital staffs where the physicians would fix the complications that hospitals cause. That is the standard of care for injuries caused by never events.”

The Vigna Law Group, along with Ben C. Martin, Esq., of the Ben Martin Law Group, a Dallas, Texas national pharmaceutical injury law firm, jointly prosecute hospital and nursing home neglect cases that result in bedsores nationwide.