Time for ‘Universal Cord Blood Gas Screening’ for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
“Universal cord blood gas screening with a pH threshold ≤7.10 and mandatory encephalopathy exam results in greater detection of infants [...]
Cerebral Palsy: MRI Results Conclusive in 86.4% of Children with Cerebral Palsy
“MRI results were conclusive in 86.4% of children with cerebral palsy (CP). It is highly encouraged to perform a cranial [...]
Early Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: No More ‘Watchful Waiting’, Early Intervention Necessary
“Based on research evidence, the best three tools to detect a high-risk of CP before the corrected age of 5 [...]
Decubitus Ulcers in the Elderly: Patient Selection for Surgical Cure
“Appropriate patient selection, debridement, and reconstruction with appropriate postoperative rehabilitation can be very beneficial in elderly patients," states Fatih Irmak, [...]
Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy: Normal MRI in Many, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Next
“In the current study, eleven patients with dyskinetic CP (47.8%) showed abnormality in the putamen, thalamus, and periventricular white matter [...]
Coloplast Altis Long-Term Outcomes: New Onset Urgency Deserves Attention
“De novo urgency was present in 37.9% of patients (implanted with the Coloplast Altis sling) by 2022…Persistence or development of [...]
Hypotonia/Hypertonia: Early Intervention for at High-risk Premature Infants
“The level of muscle tone is presented as a dynamic process in our study population. After early intervention, both hypertonia [...]
Coloplast Altis Mid-urethral Sling: Failure to Warn and Design Defect Alleged in Rhode Island
Dr. Greg Vigna, national malpractice and mid-urethral sling attorney, states, “Our complaints include the following allegations: Prior to the date [...]
Dr. Vigna and the Vigna Law Group Launch: Therapeutic Cooling/Birth Injury Help Desk
On August 15, 2024, the Vigna Law Group launched the Therapeutic Cooling/Birth Injury Help Desk. This website includes the web version [...]
Mid-urethral Slings: Delayed Diagnoses and Treatment of Complications Discussed
“Delayed diagnoses and treatment of the complications that are known to be caused by mid-urethral slings including mini-slings leads to [...]
Phoenix Urologist Hit with Failure to Timely Diagnose and Treat Post-operative Neuralgia
“We allege that our client has been seriously injured from the negligent selection of the Altis mini-sling and the negligent [...]
Wound Healing Society Guidelines: Best Evidence for Treatment of Bed Sores Described
“A pressure ulcer should be closed surgically if it does not respond to wound care and there is no other [...]