Neonatal Sepsis Update: Standard PICCs vs. Antimicrobial-impregnated PICCs
Flaws in polyurethane catheters and the battle against central line infections We found no evidence of benefit or harm [...]
Effective Care for Bone Infections and Sacral Decubitus Ulcers in Hospitals
Reviewing cases where infectious disease specialists are not treating obvious symptoms of soft tissue infections from hospital or nursing [...]
Silicosis: Artificial Bench Workers, Unaware of Consequences of Toxic Dust Exposure
Exposing the risks of artificial stone cutting, and seeking justice against multinational manufacturers The etiology of silicosis is clear, [...]
Midurethral Sling Update: 2023 Nearly Over, PVDF Still Not Available in United States
Mid-urethral slings made from PVDF are still not available in the United States, despite being available across the rest [...]
Heel Decubitus Ulcer Study: Prognosis Poor for Severe Ulcers and in Those with Vascular Disease
Heel pressure ulcers' healing challenges and prognostic factors In a heel ulcer population, having a severe rather than a [...]
Hospital Sepsis: Fibrin Sheath Complications from Polyurethane PICC Lines
Central venous line bloodstream infections can lead to brain damage, bedsores, kidney failure, amputations, and death The fibrin sheath [...]
“Deadly Dust”: Silicosis, Worker’s Compensation, and Mass Product Liability
The issue of silicosis persists in the artificial stone-cutting industry Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national pharmaceutical injury attorney and [...]
Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Preventative Care: The Results Speak for Themselves
Optimal repositioning frequencies from human studies for decubitus ulcer prevention. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer attorney explains, “The [...]
Dynamesh (PVDF): One Step at a Time to the Transvaginal Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Dynamesh makers taking a responsible and deliberate path toward acceptance of PVDF as a useful biomaterial for transvaginal treatment [...]
Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcer Care: Conservative Wound Care vs. Myocutaneous Flap
Evaluating hospital-acquired and nursing home-acquired decubitus ulcers and the care offered at LTACs “The outcomes of conservative wound care [...]
PICC Line and Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections: Care Bundles Don’t Help
Care bundles alone do not significantly reduce CLABSI rates; outdated materials like polyurethane and silicone may foster infections, despite [...]
PICC Lines: Risk of Neonatal Sepsis and Cerebral Palsy
Sepsis impact on cerebral palsy risk in neonates and advocating for safer medical practices In babies with normal cranial [...]