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So far krenfro1 has created 94 blog entries.

Study: Grim Prognosis for Those with Pelvic Decubitus Ulcer Who are Not Offered Flaps

The study describes treatments & outcomes of hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction. We describe treatments and outcomes of hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction or coverage. 44% patients were readmitted due to complications from osteomyelitis, and 17% died,” Laura Damioli, MD. Therapeutic [...]

2024-01-07T00:56:50-07:00December 4th, 2023|Decubitus Ulcer|0 Comments

Australia Audit of Silicosis for Stonecutters: “More lives ruined and lost”

The dangers of artificial stone for those who cut and install countertops include difficulty catching breath, elevated silica levels, and potential silicosis. “Unfortunately, what is happening in Queensland shows that we will be dealing with hundreds, potentially thousands, of silicosis cases, nationwide…more lives ruined and lost by a disease that should never be occurring," states Tony [...]

2023-10-28T20:41:46-07:00November 27th, 2023|News, Stone Cutter Lung Injury|0 Comments

Hospital Acquired Blood Infections: PICC Lines as Dangerous as Central Lines

Study finds similar infection rates between PICC lines and central venous catheters in hospitalized patients “When placed in hospitalized patients, PICCs are associated with a risk of central line-associated bloodstream infections that mirror that of central venous catheters” … Vineet Chopra, MD. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. September 2013, Vol. 34, No. 9. "We [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 20th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Vaginal Mesh Study: Safety and Efficacy of Vaginal Mesh Procedures with Dynamesh (PVDF)

PVDF meshes produce less scarring due to their higher biocompatibility, reducing the incidence of postoperative chronic pain complications Compared with traditional polypropylene meshes, PVDF meshes demonstrated better biostability, less focal inflammation or fibrosis in host tissue, and lower bending stiffness in a previous study … Therefore, it appears that PVDF meshes produce less scarring [...]

2023-10-28T20:28:54-07:00November 16th, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Neonates and Sepsis: Safer PICC Line Technology Available

Older PICC lines and central lines are unreasonably dangerous as they cause avoidable injuries “The current National Healthcare Safety Network benchmark for central line-associated bloodstream infections in the NICU … is 2.16 per 1000 catheter days … The central line antibiotic bloodstream infection for PICCs removed because of confirmed sepsis was 2.86 per 1000 [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 13th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Hospital Acquired Decubitus Ulcers: Local Care Pathways Determine Fate of the Injured

“Despite Hospital Acquired Stage 3 and Stage 4 decubitus ulcers being considered a Never Event by the CMS, the treatment for those injured by hospitals is based on local care pathways, local surgical expertise, patient and health professional preferences and cost,” states JKF Wong, Cochrane Library, Reconstructive surgery for treating pressure ulcers. Greg Vigna, [...]

2023-10-28T20:08:36-07:00November 9th, 2023|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

PICC Line and Central Line Complications: A Safer Alternative Venous Catheter is Available

“With around 30% of PICCS developing serious complications, there is little doubt that improvements in technologies are needed…This technology is novel and potentially life-saving, and early trials have indicated safety," states Amanda Ullman, RN, PhD. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national product liability attorney, PICC line and midline attorney states, “My law firm is investigating cases of blood [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 6th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Vigna Law Group Announces PICC Line Legal Help Desk for Blood Clots and Infections

“Since 2013 there have been safer designs that are available that have added coating that leads to significantly reduced blood clots that lead to occlusion of the catheter and blood clots to the veins of the arm that can lead to pulmonary embolisms and blood infections," states Greg Vigna, MD, JD. Greg Vigna, MD, [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:53-07:00November 2nd, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Vasoconstrictor Agents in Sepsis: Cause or Effect for Bedsore/Decubitus Ulcers

Vasoconstrictor agent administration raised the risk of pressure injuries in critical care patients by nearly twofold. “Vasoconstrictor agent administration raised the risk of pressure injuries in critical care patients by nearly twofold. More emphasis should be placed on the timely prevention of pressure injuries in patients receiving vasoconstrictor agent administration in the ICU”...Advances in [...]

2023-10-28T19:50:02-07:00October 30th, 2023|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Catheter-related Boodstream Infection While On Home TPN: Minimal Symptoms Not Uncommon

Patients are being discharged on home nutrition by TPN by way of PICC lines and Ports. The most common serious complication is line sepsis or blood clots. “In the non-specifically unwell patient a clinician should not be misled by a normal white cell count and apyrexia (no elevation of temperature)," states Anna Clare, author [...]

2023-10-28T19:47:31-07:00October 28th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News|0 Comments
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