“The level of muscle tone is presented as a dynamic process in our study population. After early intervention, both hypertonia and hypo¬tonia improved, with the level of improvement of hypertonia more significant,” states Yan-Li Hu, MD, Ninbo Women & Children’s Hospital, China.

Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national malpractice attorney, and expert in life care planning, states, “Infants with neurological injury often have physical findings on examination of either hypertonia or hypotonia. These are abnormal neurological findings that generally improve with early intervention by physical and occupational therapy under the care of physicians trained and knowledgeable on the rehabilitation of children at risk for cerebral palsy, including those who required therapeutic cooling, or any neurodevelopmental impairment.”

What did Dr. Yan-Li Hu, MD, report in “Changes in Muscle Tone of the Lower Limbs in 181 High-risk Premature Infants in Early Intervention”?

“The muscle tone of the premature infants showed dynamic change and usually deviated from the normal ranges in most cases, with either an increase or decrease. However, dystonia mainly presented as hypertonia before 6 months of age and as hypotonia after 6 months of age. After proper intervention, the outcome of hypertonia was significantly better than that of hypotonia. Hypotonia was a condition that proved difficult to improve but could be partially improved after intervention.”

Read Dr. Hu’s article: https://www.aminer.org/pub/619b615a1c45e57ce96a22d9/changes-in-muscle-tone-of-the-lower-limbs-in-high-risk-premature

On August 15, 2024, the Vigna Law Group launched the Therapeutic Cooling/Birth Injury Help Desk. This website includes the web version of The Mother’s Guide to Birth Injury, and is available for families that are faced with significant challenges caused by the negligence of others.

“The Mother’s Guide to Birth Injury, was written by physicians, birth injury attorneys, and a Life Care Planner who is an expert in cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and birth injuries. This is a resource for families as they go down the path to recovery. We are here to help,” says Greg Vigna, MD, JD, Vigna Law Group.

Click here to read Dr. Vigna’s book, The Mother’s Guide to Birth Injury: https://vignalawgroup.com/mothers-guide-to-birth-injuries/

Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC lawyer who focuses on neurological injuries caused by medical negligence and is a birth injury attorney. Ben Martin Law Group, is a national pharmaceutical injury law firm and birth injury lawyer in Dallas, Texas. The attorneys are product liability and medical malpractice attorneys, and they represent neurological injuries across the country.

Click here to learn more: https://vignalawgroup.com