Mid-Urethral Slings in Women with Pre-Existing Pelvic Pain: Update
“Chronic pain diagnoses increased risk of midurethral sling revision/removal; pelvic pain and numbers of diagnoses increased this risk,” states Dr. [...]
Chicago Urogynecologist Hit with Midurethral Sling Lawsuit: Nerve Injury
“Our client has been seriously injured from the selection of the Altis mini-sling, and the failure to timely diagnose and [...]
New Altis Study: “Pain Was Reported as an Adverse Event in 64 Instances (11.3%)”
“There are some weakness to this data … 564 were analyzed … at year one, data for 427 subjects was [...]
FDA Altis 522 Update: “Mini-slings Comparable Effectiveness to Mid-urethral Slings”
“The weakness of the Altis 522 study include … high attrition rate (at 36-months, the attrition rate for the Altis [...]
Major Complications Following Flap Surgery: Unrelated to Treatable Comorbidities
“Neither diabetes nor other treatable comorbidities were significantly associated with major complications if the treatment of these factors is included [...]
Hospital Acquired Sepsis: Less Common Than Community Acquired, but More Lethal
“The most common foci in hospitalized patients are infections of the lower respiratory tract, followed by intra-abdominal, bloodstream, intravascular line [...]
ICU Acquired Decubitus Ulcers: Prevention and Early Intervention
“Critically ill patients often have complex medical conditions that may limit their ability to be repositioned frequently, necessitating a careful [...]
Altis Single-incision Sling: Acute Pain Explained
“We believe the Altis sling polypropylene mesh is too stiff and too short and behaves like a razor in women, [...]
Study: Central-lines Result in Over Three Times the Risks for Right-sided Endocarditis
“In patients with pulmonary valve infective endocarditis, the median age was 44 years … this study showed a substantial proportion [...]
Mid-urethral Sling Complications: Management of Post-operative Groin Pain in Focus
“Transobturator tape removal with bilateral groin dissection improves patients’ pain and quality of life,” states Dr. Marie-Aimee Perrouin-Verbe, MD. What [...]
Study: “In-house Pressure Ulcers as a Reservoir of Multidrug-resistant Organisms”
“The ulcers were considered to be the probable source of bacteraemia in 53% of the episodes," states I. A. Braga. [...]
Study Retropubic Sling Injuries: Groin Pain and the Mispositioned Device
Dr. Greg Vigna, national malpractice, mid-urethral sling attorney, states “retropubic slings that are placed lateral to the arcus ligament into the [...]