Decubitus Ulcers: The Crucial Role of Plastic Surgeons in Wound Care Teams
Plastic surgeons are the most important member of an interdisciplinary team as they offer cures for those with deep [...]
Decubitus Ulcers: C-diff and Recurrent C-diff Both Expected Complications
Recent study shows up to 44.8% of patients have C-diff recurrence within 2-months. “Prolonged IV antibiotics are necessary for [...]
CMS Should Make Ownership Information More Transparent for Consumers
The literature shows that for-profit nursing homes have better financial performance but worse employee and client well-being compared to [...]
Racial Disparities and Staffing Levels: Higher Risk of Decubitus Ulcers for African American Nursing Home Residents
Due to lower nursing staffing levels, African Americans in big cities are at a higher risk of serious injury [...]
Paraquat, Parkinson’s, and Profit: Killing Dopaminergic Neurons Across the World
Parkinson’s disease has been linked to Paraquat use as an herbicide for decades. Despite this, the use of Paraquat [...]
Missed Epidural Abscess: Opioid Addiction, a High-Risk Population
We are evaluating missed diagnoses of epidural abscesses that lead to quadriplegia, paraplegia, and cauda equina syndrome. “We are [...]
Evaluating Ovarian Cancer Neurological Injury Cases
We are now reviewing cases of neurological injuries suffered by Ovarian Cancer Survivors related to toxic effect of chemotherapeutic [...]
Necrotic Decubitus Ulcer: DIC or Uncontrolled Bleeding Warning
Bedsores with dead tissue either get infected leading to sepsis or even disseminated intravascular coagulation that leads to uncontrolled [...]
Decubitus Ulcers Can Be Prevented with Hospital Administration Support
Nursing homes and hospitals must be held accountable for the complications they cause. “The repercussions from criminal prosecution of [...]
VAC Pack: Time Taken for a Grade III/IV Decubitus Ulcer to Sacral Heal
Grade 3/4 decubitus ulcers are not compatible with life and long-term complications caused by prolonged conservative care for these [...]
Decubitus Ulcer: Hospital Trend, Bigger Sores, Less Surgical Treatment
A recent study reveals the frequency of a decubitus ulcer diagnosis has stayed the same but severity has increased [...]
Dr. Amy Gee: “Women are going down like flies, heavy-weight, small pore mesh slings”
Unfortunately, the misrepresentation by Ethicon continues to be recirculated in the literature. “Dr. Amy Gee, your article ‘Where Are [...]