Catheter-related Boodstream Infection While On Home TPN: Minimal Symptoms Not Uncommon
Patients are being discharged on home nutrition by TPN by way of PICC lines and Ports. The most common [...]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Stepping into Hospital Sepsis Management
The CDC urges all US hospitals to establish sepsis programs and raise the bar on care standards, as they [...]
Unanticipated Adverse Event with Altis Sling: Study Reveals 7 out of 125 Patients with Groin Pain
In the JMIG study, 7 out of 125 women reported groin pain within 6 weeks of receiving an Altis [...]
Thoracic Epidural Abscess: Early MRI and Emergent Surgical Evacuation Required
Misdiagnosis of thoracic epidural abscess can result in paraplegia, wheelchair dependence, bowel and bladder incontinence, and loss of sexual [...]
Artificial Stone Toxic Dust: Pirfenidone approved to treat Silicosis in China
Artificial stone manufacturing has led to a re-emergence of silicosis, and this has triggered new interest in the mechanism [...]
Artificial Stone Silicosis Update: Common Chinese Medicine Delays Progression of Disease
Outbreaks of silicosis have occurred among workers in the artificial stone (AS) industry. “Outbreaks of silicosis have occurred among [...]
Single-Incision Mini-Slings the Future has Been Predicted
Dr. Greg Vigna, “The utility of the Coloplast Altis sling and Boston Scientific Solyx is questionable at best. The [...]
Grade IV Heel Decubitus Ulcer with Osteomylitis: Surgical Consultation Recommended
Prevention of heel decubitus ulcers are paramount because this location is the most difficult of decubitus ulcers to manage. [...]
FDA’s Current Position is that Safety and Efficacy of Mini-slings Have Not Been Adequately Demonstrated
The Coloplast Altis sling and the Boston Scientific Solyx sling remain on the market despite the continued FDA position. [...]
Silicosis Data Suggest Epidemic Coming for Those Employed in Stone Benchtop Industry
Dry processing of artificial stone is a highly hazardous work practice that has been reported in association with silicosis [...]
Epidural Abscess: Emergent Surgical Evacuation is the Mainstay of Treatment
Prompt surgical decompression and evacuation with concurrent antibiotic treatment seem to be state-of-the-art therapy for such a condition. “Irrespective [...]
Single-Incision Mini-Slings the Future has Been Predicted
The utility of the Coloplast Altis sling and Boston Scientific Solyx is questionable at best. Dr. Greg Vigna, “The [...]