PICC Lines: Risk of Line Associated Thrombosis in Cancer Patients
Newer PICC lines substantially decrease the risk of occlusion of the catheter, swelling of the arm, blood clots, and [...]
PICC Line Complications in 15% of Children with Osteomyelitis, 3.4% Require Re-hospitalization
Providing antibiotics via a PICC line in both the inpatient and outpatient settings may not be as benign as [...]
VAC Pack Doesn’t Save Lives of Patients with Decubitus Ulcers: Ineffective Care in Focus
Poor outcomes for decubitus-related osteomyelitis patients without myocutaneous flapping. “Among patients with decubitus-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo myocutaneous [...]
Study: Grim Prognosis for Those with Pelvic Decubitus Ulcer Who are Not Offered Flaps
The study describes treatments & outcomes of hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction. [...]
Australia Audit of Silicosis for Stonecutters: “More lives ruined and lost”
The dangers of artificial stone for those who cut and install countertops include difficulty catching breath, elevated silica levels, [...]
Hospital Acquired Blood Infections: PICC Lines as Dangerous as Central Lines
Study finds similar infection rates between PICC lines and central venous catheters in hospitalized patients “When placed in hospitalized [...]
Vaginal Mesh Study: Safety and Efficacy of Vaginal Mesh Procedures with Dynamesh (PVDF)
PVDF meshes produce less scarring due to their higher biocompatibility, reducing the incidence of postoperative chronic pain complications Compared [...]
Neonates and Sepsis: Safer PICC Line Technology Available
Older PICC lines and central lines are unreasonably dangerous as they cause avoidable injuries “The current National Healthcare Safety [...]
Hospital Acquired Decubitus Ulcers: Local Care Pathways Determine Fate of the Injured
“Despite Hospital Acquired Stage 3 and Stage 4 decubitus ulcers being considered a Never Event by the CMS, the [...]
PICC Line and Central Line Complications: A Safer Alternative Venous Catheter is Available
“With around 30% of PICCS developing serious complications, there is little doubt that improvements in technologies are needed…This technology [...]
Vigna Law Group Announces PICC Line Legal Help Desk for Blood Clots and Infections
“Since 2013 there have been safer designs that are available that have added coating that leads to significantly reduced [...]
Vasoconstrictor Agents in Sepsis: Cause or Effect for Bedsore/Decubitus Ulcers
Vasoconstrictor agent administration raised the risk of pressure injuries in critical care patients by nearly twofold. “Vasoconstrictor agent administration [...]