Hospital-acquired ICU Bloodstream Infections: Higher Risk of Death
Study finds over 75% of PICC line and central line infections come from the ICU Hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in [...]
Study: PICC-line Associated Bacteremia Associated with Increased Early Mortality Rates
Safer alternatives to polyurethane PICC lines reduce infection risks and mortality rates Polyurethane causes inflammation that leads to occlusion [...]
PICC vs. Midline Study: Risk of Blood Clots, Sepsis, and Septic Shock
Increased utilization of midline catheters not associated with a decreased risk of deep vein thrombosis or sepsis when compared [...]
Central-line Complications: Endocarditis, Septic Shock, and More
Investigating hospital-acquired bloodstream infections caused by PICC lines and other central lines A variety of embolic and septic complications [...]
Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcer Care: Conservative Wound Care vs. Myocutaneous Flap
Evaluating hospital-acquired and nursing home-acquired decubitus ulcers and the care offered at LTACs. “The outcomes of conservative wound care [...]
Dynamesh (PVDF): One Step at a Time to the Transvaginal Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Dynamesh makers taking a responsible and deliberate path toward acceptance of PVDF as a useful biomaterial for transvaginal treatment [...]
PICC vs. Midline Study: Risk of Blood Clots, Sepsis, and Septic Shock
Increased utilization of midline catheters not associated with a decreased risk of deep vein thrombosis or sepsis when compared [...]
PICC lines: “A Hidden Emerging Cause of Infection Outbreaks”
The risk of experiencing a bloodstream infection was significantly higher in patients with PICCs. The risk of experiencing a [...]
Physicians’ Absence in Emergency Room NP Decision-Making
Study reveals that NP's in the ER use more resources and achieve less favorable outcomes compared to physicians, emphasizing [...]
Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care: Conservative Wound Care with Osteomylitis
Evaluating ineffective care provided at LTACs that is destined to fail for those with Stage 4 decubitus ulcers. “There [...]
Neonatal Sepsis in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants: PICC Lines
Obsolete technology poses risks for infant sepsis, safer technology exists that reduces the risk of blood clots and infection. [...]
Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care: Path to Osteomyelitis and Malnutrition
Evaluating hospital-acquired and nursing home-acquired decubitus ulcers and the care offered at Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals. “We describe treatments [...]