Neonates Sepsis: PICC Line and Central Line Infections in Focus, Avoidable Injuries
Investigating cases of central-line associated bloodstream infections including PICC lines and midlines. Neonatal sepsis is a major cause of [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: Maggot Therapy Versus Plastic Surgeons
Maggot therapy has never shown prevent osteomyelitis and death. LTACs may provide level of care for hospital or nursing [...]
Hospital Acquired Blood Stream Infections: PICC Line Early Mortality Reported
Polyurethane and silicone PICC lines are defective products because there are safer materials that reduce the risk of hospital [...]
Short Bowel Syndrome: Loss of Venous Access Via PICC Lines Versus Small Bowel Transplant
Adults and children with Short Bowel Syndrome are at serious risk of central line associate blood-stream infections and recurrent [...]
Medical Device-Related Pressure Ulcers: Arkansas Hospital Hit with “Never Event” Lawsuit
Medical device-related pressure ulcers create localized injury to the skin or underlying tissue as a result of sustained pressure [...]
Spinal Epidural Abscess: Red Flag Warning Signs, the ‘Classic Triad’
Investigating cases of neurological loss from spinal epidural abscesses in patients who were previously discharged from care centers without [...]
Hospital Acquired Acinetobacter Bloodstream Infections: The Risk Factors
Acinetobacter infections in at-risk patients, emphasizing challenges and advocating for safer catheter materials to prevent severe complications Bloodstream infections [...]
Sepsis Update: Study Shows Prognosis Worse in Patients With Hospital-acquired Sepsis
Study reveals alarming trends in hospital-acquired sepsis and advocates safer medical solutions. Although comprising only 11.3% of severe sepsis [...]
Drug-Eluting Resorbable Scaffold: Hope For Those with Below-knee Vascular Disease
Study calls into question the practice of repeat angioplasties for recurrent stenosis of arteries below the knee Among patients [...]
Hospital Acquired VRE (Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus) Central-Line Infections
VRE bloodstream infections from infected central-line infections can cause long-term complications if not treated. Seven out of eleven CLA-BSIs [...]
Bedsore Litigation Update: Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care in Focus
In our study, patients with Medicare or Medicaid were significantly more likely to develop a pressure ulcer than patients [...]
Follow-up on the Single-incision Mini-Sling NEJM Data
The underlying data compared complications of the retropubic slings with transobturator slings and compared the Altis mini-sling to Bard’s [...]