ICU Acquired Decubitus Ulcers: Prevention and Early Intervention

“Critically ill patients often have complex medical conditions that may limit their ability to be repositioned frequently, necessitating a careful assessment and tailored approach" states Dr. Flavia Castelino, Ph.D. What else did Dr. Castelino report in “Nursing Interventions to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients: A Review of the Evidence”, published in the Asian [...]

2024-06-21T16:38:19-07:00June 19th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Rehabilitation of Patients with Stage IV Pelvic Decubitus Ulcers

“Providing rehabilitation in patients with stage IV decubitus ulcers on the coccyx, ischium, or sacrum is at best difficult or futile at worst. In patients who desire myocutanteous flap closure, patients under my care, we would out of the bed rehabilitation until after surgical closure of the wound” … Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national wound care attorney. [...]

2024-06-21T16:37:32-07:00May 15th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Study: “In-house Pressure Ulcers as a Reservoir of Multidrug-resistant Organisms”

“The ulcers were considered to be the probable source of bacteraemia in 53% of the episodes," states I. A. Braga. What was reported in the article, “Bacterial colonization of pressure ulcers: assessment of risk for bloodstream infection and impact on patient outcomes” published in the Journal of Hospital Infection 83 (2013) 314-320. “A total of [...]

2024-06-21T16:36:06-07:00May 24th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Decubitus Ulcer Management: The Modified “Basel Decubitus Concept” (Part 2)

“The standard of care for management of deep Stage III and Stage IV decubitus ulcers includes the plastic surgery component. These are serious injuries and outcomes are bad without access to myocutaneous flaps” … Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer attorney, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr Anke Scheel-Sailer, MD, Spinal Cord Medicine, Swiss [...]

2024-06-21T15:43:28-07:00May 17th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Decubitus Ulcer Management: The Modified “Basel Decubitus Concept” (Part 1)

“The standard of care for management of deep Stage III and Stage IV decubitus ulcers includes the plastic surgery component. These are serious injuries and outcomes are bad without access to myocutaneous flaps” … Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer attorney, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Anke Scheel-Sailer, MD, Spinal Cord Medicine, Swiss [...]

2024-06-21T15:37:35-07:00May 17th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Decubitus Ulcer Management: Failed Reconstruction

“A systematic review revealed recurrence and complication rates of 8.9 and 18.6% in musculocutaneous, fasciocutaneous and perforator-based flaps for treatment of pressure sores.” … Bahram Biglari, MD, Ph.D. What did Dr. Biglari report in “A retrospective study on flap complications after pressure ulcer surgery in spinal cord-injured patients”, published in the Spinal Cord (2014) 52, [...]

2024-06-21T15:15:16-07:00May 7th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Two Paths for Serious Bedsores: Palliative Wound Care Versus Surgical Reconstruction for Cure

“The true meaning of living and dying with a palliative wound must be understood to align care with patient and family needs … This definition also includes people who are vulnerable and have impaired quality of life”… Duygu Sezgin, MSc, PhD. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer attorney, states “Dr. Sezgin's statement of palliative [...]

2024-06-21T15:09:02-07:00May 6th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Medicare Beneficiaries with Stage 3 and Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcers

“Inappropriate transfers (to Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACHs) most commonly were for wound care (28%), intravenous medication infusions (28%)” says Ross C. Schumacher, MD. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national decubitus ulcer attorney, retired Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician states, “I doubt Dr. Schumacher is saying that the two or three hundred patients we admitted with [...]

2024-06-20T18:18:08-07:00April 13th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Stage 3 and Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcers: Conservative Management is Ineffective

“Conservative management is ineffective for stage III or IV pressure sores, and plastic surgery to create flap coverage of the sore becomes inevitable” states Chun-Yu Chen, MD, plastic surgeon. What else did Dr. Chen report in “Surgical Treatment and Strategy in Patients with Pressure Sores” published in Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Oct 30, 99(44): 223022? “The [...]

2024-06-20T18:14:32-07:00April 12th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments

Damage Control Surgery: Putting the Name on the Standard of Care for Sacral Decubitus Ulcers

“When deep decubitus wounds are not repaired in a timely manner, patients are at higher risk of developing sepsis, which is life-threatening. The mortality rate of decubitus wounds combined with sepsis is as high as 50%,” states Dr. Zhiyi Wei, MD. Department of Burn ICU, Quanzhou First Hospital, China. What else did Dr. Wei report [...]

2024-06-20T17:50:47-07:00April 10th, 2024|Decubitus Ulcer, News|0 Comments
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