Vigna Law Group: Polypropylene Vaginal Mesh Extrapelvic Pain Syndromes
Dr. Greg Vigna discusses the unique risks associated with the arms of polypropylene retropubic and transobturator slings. “Extrapelvic pain [...]
Risks of “Extrapelvic Pain” from bladder sling arms still not warned by TVM Manufacturers
Sling manufacturers have failed to add additional warnings to their instructions for use and to date have not provided [...]
Vaginal Mesh Litigation Update: Latent injuries proven in large Chinese Prolift study
Dr. Greg Vigna comments on a recent study that reveals a high number of patients reporting pain that may [...]
Ethicon and Implanting Gynecologists Hit with Transobturator Sling Lawsuit
Dr. John Barrett and Dr. Jonathan Oliva were hit with a lawsuit filed by a woman who sustained grievous [...]
Martin Baughman the ‘One off’ Pharmaceutical injury law firm, IVC & TMV litigation update
Martin Baughman is one of the small number of firms willing to go the distance against big pharma for [...]
Jury Awards $926,000 against Bard in IVC filter Case in Oregon Federal Court
Ben Martin, Esq. A jury awarded $926,000 to a plaintiff in an IVC filter case after unanimously finding that [...]
Vaginal Mesh Update: Massachusetts requires safer alternative design
The Vigna Law Group comments on recent discussions held in United States federal courts regarding safer design alternatives. “… [...]
TVM Litigation Update: Transobturator slings AND Defense Experts are on the clock
Knowledgeable defense experts are downplaying or completely omitting from recordation the complaints of seriously injured women who come to [...]
Transvaginal mesh litigation: Coloplast Altis case filed in Florida
The Vigna Law Group comments on recent cases filed on behalf of severely injured women suffering from transvaginal mesh [...]
Vigna Law Group: Vaginal Mesh Ethicon Multidistrict Litigation Update
The Vigna Law Group remains selective regarding the cases taking past the MDL as well as the new injury [...]
Ben C Martin Pharmaceutical Injury Attorney Weighs in on Vaginal Mesh Litigation
Vigna Law Group releases new podcast featuring Ben C Martin. My firm represents many women with pudendal neuralgia, obturator [...]
Vigna Law Group: A Medicolegal Perspective of Phantom Limb Pain After Traumatic Amputation
Dr. Vigna weighs in on the treatment of phantom pain following a traumatic amputation. “Post-amputation pain in the missing [...]