Vigna Law Group: Heel Decubitus Ulcers, a Major Health Care Concern
“These stage IV heel pressure ulcers represent a major health and economic burden and can be difficult to treat” … [...]
Call to Action for Sepsis Survivors: Reduce ICU-Hospital-Acquired Sepsis
The best way to prevent post-sepsis syndrome is to substantially reduce the number of patients who suffer from hospital-acquired sepsis. [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: Nutritional Interventions for Prevention and Treatment
Currently there is no clear evidence that nutritional interventions reduce the development of pressure ulcers or help them to heal,” [...]
Hospital-Acquired Sepsis: Twenty Percent Caused by Central-Lines, Including PICCs
"CLABSI and non-CLABSI HOB cases are associated with significant increases in morbidity, mortality, and cost," states Dr. Kalvin C. Yu, [...]
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Neurological Complications in Focus
“Patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma may present with many neurologic symptoms that may be related to direct involvement of any part [...]
Hospital Acquired Sepsis Worse than Community Acquired Sepsis: Line Sepsis in Focus
“Hospitals seeking to improve sepsis outcomes have developed different strategies for improving sepsis recognition and care in both the Emergency [...]
PICC Line and Central Venous Catheters: Candida Auris, an Urgent Established Threat
“The emerging multidrug-resistant fungal pathogen Candida auris has been labeled as an urgent threat by the US Centers for Disease [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Related Osteomyelitis: “A Neglected Disease”
“Stage IV pressure ulcers most commonly affect the tissue overlying the sacrum, ischial bones, and femoral heads, and therefore pressure [...]
Spinal Epidural Abscess: Delaying Decompression Up to 72 hours Negates its Benefits for Recovery
“Our study aims to investigate the benefits of striving for an available emergency operating room versus waiting for a scheduled [...]
DuraSeal: Increased Complication Rates in Chiari Malformation Surgery
“At the authors’ single center, use of sealants in posterior fossa decompression with duraplasty (PFDD) surgery for Chiari malformation type [...]
Post-sepsis Syndrome: Consistent Pattern of Functional Disabilities
“Post-sepsis syndrome … is marked by a significantly increased risk of death and a poor health-related quality of life associated [...]
Leading Cause of Healthcare-associated Infections in Children with Cancer: Central Lines
“Clearly, children with cancer are at disproportional risk of line related sepsis and they should receive the super hydrophilic PICC lines [...]