Two Paths for Serious Bedsores: Palliative Wound Care Versus Surgical Reconstruction for Cure
“The true meaning of living and dying with a palliative wound must be understood to align care with patient and [...]
Medicare Beneficiaries with Stage 3 and Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcers
“Inappropriate transfers (to Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACHs) most commonly were for wound care (28%), intravenous medication infusions (28%)” says [...]
Stage 3 and Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcers: Conservative Management is Ineffective
“Conservative management is ineffective for stage III or IV pressure sores, and plastic surgery to create flap coverage of the [...]
Damage Control Surgery: Putting the Name on the Standard of Care for Sacral Decubitus Ulcers
“When deep decubitus wounds are not repaired in a timely manner, patients are at higher risk of developing sepsis, which [...]
Ineffective Decubitus Ulcer Care: Grim Prognosis for Those with Stage III and IV Decubitus Ulcers
“Hospitalized patients with decubitus ulcer-related osteomyelitis who did not undergo surgical reconstruction or coverage … 44% patients were readmitted due [...]
Vigna Law Group: Heel Decubitus Ulcers, a Major Health Care Concern
“These stage IV heel pressure ulcers represent a major health and economic burden and can be difficult to treat” … [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: Nutritional Interventions for Prevention and Treatment
Currently there is no clear evidence that nutritional interventions reduce the development of pressure ulcers or help them to heal,” [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Related Osteomyelitis: “A Neglected Disease”
“Stage IV pressure ulcers most commonly affect the tissue overlying the sacrum, ischial bones, and femoral heads, and therefore pressure [...]
Spinal Cord Injured Risk Factors for Decubitus Ulcers Prior to Rehabilitation
“It is impossible to achieve independence with self-care when you are an acute spinal cord injured patient with a Stage [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: The Importance of Plastic Surgeons
“Dr. Herbert Conway, plastic surgery, wrote about his experience with 1,000 cases of sacral, ischial, and trochanteric decubitus ulcer providing [...]
Long-term Acute Care Hospital: Designed for Flap Reconstruction-Decubitus Ulcers
Patients with deep Stage 3 and Stage 4 who are not provided flap closure have a 17% risk of [...]
Decubitus Ulcer Management: Maggot Therapy Versus Plastic Surgeons
Maggot therapy has never shown prevent osteomyelitis and death. LTACs may provide level of care for hospital or nursing [...]