Boston Scientific and Physician Hit with Midurethral Sling Lawsuit in Orange County

“Our client is seriously injured from the surgical implantation of the Obtryx sling. Our position is that the Obtryx sling is unreasonably dangerous and that there are safer alternative designs and options. When complications occur, early removal is required,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national malpractice attorney. Dr. Greg Vigna, mid-urethral sling attorney, states, “We represent [...]

2025-03-06T14:18:05-07:00March 6th, 2025|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

New York Urologist Hit with Altis Mid-urethral Sling Lawsuit: Delayed Treatment of Nerve Injury

“Our client has been seriously injured by a physician’s selection of the Altis mini-sling and his failure to timely remove the device after immediate intractable pain following implantion,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national malpractice attorney. Dr. Greg Vigna, mid-urethral sling attorney, states “The SIMS trial in 2022 revealed that the Atlis device is known [...]

2025-03-06T14:08:37-07:00March 6th, 2025|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Hernia Mesh: General Surgeons Slow to Move on from Synthetic Mesh

“Our study demonstrates that the use of P4HB mesh is both safe and effective in ventral hernia repairs,” states Dr. Daniel H. Tran, General Surgery, Texas A&M College of Medicine. Dr. Greg Vigna, national mid-urethral sling attorney and hernia mesh attorney, says, “The Phasix mesh is P4HB and is a natural polymer derived from E. [...]

2025-03-06T13:56:53-07:00March 6th, 2025|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

TephaFex P4HB Mid-urethral Sling: Chronic Polypropylene Complications Gone

“TephaFex sling is completely removed by the body over two years. This would eliminate more than half of all mesh revision surgeries at 15-years,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national mid-urethral sling attorney. What is the long-term risk of surgery for polypropylene mesh related complications? “In our study population, the 15-year risk of sling revision [...]

2025-01-06T17:50:19-07:00December 6th, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Mid-urethral Sling Complications: Early Complete Mesh Removal for Groin Pain

“When patients report lower limb or groin pain immediately after surgery, injury to the obturator or pudendal nerve is often suspected, and mesh removal most often cures the pain. When isolated pain occurs later on after mid-urethral sling insertion, the first-line treatment is often medical," states Camille Armengaud, MD. Read Dr. Armengaud’s article “Serious complications [...]

2025-01-06T16:42:54-07:00December 3rd, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Prospective Study: Altis Polypropylene Sling versus TephaFex P4HB Sling

“I doubt a study comparing the Altis to the TephaFex mid-urethral sling will ever happen. I anticipate the P4HB technology will finally end the polypropylene vaginal mesh debacle,” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national mid-urethral sling attorney. What was reported about P4HB slings in the 2024 article, “Safety and Efficacy Report for the Poly-4-Hydroxybutyrate as [...]

2025-01-06T16:40:29-07:00December 2nd, 2024|Birth Injuries, News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Midurethral Sling Update: 2024 Nearly Over, PVDF Still Not Available in United States

“Polypropylene and PVDF slings showed similar high cure or improvement rate (91.0% vs. 95.6%) … A higher incidence of long-term pain events were observed in the polypropylene group,” states Dr. Jordi Sabadell. What did a randomized polypropylene tranobturator sling versus PVDF transobturator sling show in Dr. Jordi Sabadell’s article “Polypropylene and polyvinylidene fluoride transobturator slings [...]

2024-11-11T22:34:59-07:00November 11th, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

SIMS Trial: Risks of the Coloplast Altis Sling for Dyspareunia and Coital Incontinence Reported

“Clearly, the women who were assigned into the Coloplast Altis group ‘drew the short straw’ as their sexual function was placed at risk as a result of this device when compared with full-length mid-urethral slings” states Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national mid-urethral sling attorney. Dr. Greg Vigna, national mid-urethral sling attorney, states, “Level 1 Evidence from [...]

2024-11-07T20:25:05-07:00October 29th, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Altis IDE Study: Two Year Study Reveals No New AEs at 24 Months

“One prospective cohort study of 116 women receiving Altis reported groin/hip/thigh pain (8%), dyspareunia (1%), and tape exposure (3.5%) at 12 months’ follow-up, but, interestingly, no further new AEs at 24 months’ follow-up," according to Health Technology Assessment, No. 26.47. Dr. Greg Vigna, national mid-urethral sling attorney states, “It's an Interesting point about the Altis [...]

2024-11-07T20:11:55-07:00October 22nd, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

FDA Altis 522 Study 3-year Data: 8% Risk of Leg Pain vs. 0.6% in Full-length Slings

“(Full-length mid-urethral slings) are associated with significant complications, including bladder perforation and vessel injuries with RMUS (retropubic slings), and postoperative groin and thigh pain with TMUS (transobturator slings). To minimize these complications, a new generation of slings emerged: single incision slings (SIS),” states Dr. Le Mai Tu, Neurourol Urodyn. 2023; 42: 1722-1732. Dr. Greg Vigna, [...]

2024-10-08T17:53:11-07:00September 25th, 2024|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments
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