Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Early Diagnosis of Spastic Cerebral Palsy

“The aim was to investigate whether infants with periventricular white matter injury with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy have unique lesions different from lesions in those without cerebral palsy and to evaluate the early diagnostic efficiency of Diffusion Tensor Imaging for differentiating infants with spastic cerebral palsy from those with periventricular white matter injury without cerebral [...]

2024-11-11T22:38:14-07:00November 11th, 2024|Birth Injuries, News|0 Comments

State-of-the-Art: Early Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy in Infants Born Very Pre-term

“We demonstrated consistent associations between early cerebral palsy diagnosis and the fiber density (FD), fiber-bundle cross-section (FC), and fiber density and cross-section (FDC) for each of the nine examined tracts," says Rahul Chandwani, MD, Perinatal Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, a neurological injury attorney who is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and [...]

2024-09-18T18:00:02-07:00September 18th, 2024|Birth Injuries, News|0 Comments
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