Why the Vigna Law Group for your birth injury claim?
Speak With Our Specialists
Fill out the contact form below and a specialist will quickly review your information and follow up.
1. Your first contact will always be with a nurse or lawyer.
2. Your medical records will be reviewed by a nurse and a doctor who have the necessary experience.
3. Your case will be prosecuted by Dr. Greg Vigna: National Birth Injury Attorney and the Vigna Law Group: Doctors and Birth Injury Attorneys.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Early Diagnosis of Spastic Cerebral Palsy
“The aim was to investigate whether infants with periventricular white matter injury with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy have unique lesions different from lesions in those without cerebral palsy and to evaluate the early diagnostic efficiency [...]
Neonatal Encephalopathy: Diffusion MRI and MR Spectroscopy Predictive of Outcome
“This is an important study because it shows Diffusion MRI and MR spectroscopy of newborns after therapeutic cooling has predictive value as to outcomes when it relates to adverse outcomes, including moderately/severely delayed development and [...]
Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: Seizures
“In our cohort, the presence of seizures, per se, was not associated with abnormal outcome; however a high seizure burden as well as a persistent abnormal aEEG background pattern and MR lesions resulted as being [...]
Vigna Law Group manages issues related to the below:
1. Cerebral palsy / Hypoxic encephalopathy
2. Hypotonia
3. Seizures
4. Cerebral palsy caused by NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis)
5. Myelomenigocele/Spina bifida
6. Blood stream infection/sepsis caused by central-line infections
7. Fractures
8. Prenatal infections
9. Brachial plexus injury/Shoulder dystocia
Contact Us For A Free Consultation
What to expect with the Vigna Law Group:
- Prospective clients will discuss their case with Dr. Greg Vigna, a national malpractice attorney, retired physician.
- In addition, a retired obstetrician is also available for early legal case evaluations for serious injuries caused by physicians and hospitals.
- National birth injury lawyers
- National neurological injury attorneys caused by accidents, medical malpractice, and product liability and pharmaceuticals.
Meet Our Associated Law Firm in Birth Injuries