Failure to Warn Claim Viable Despite Ethicon’s 2015 TVT-O IFU
An IFU must contain all warnings necessary to place doctors on notice of all material information when deciding the [...]
TVM Manufacturers’ Ongoing Reckless Disregard of Pudendal Neuralgia
TVM manufacturers' transobturator slings and mini-slings continue to cause acute and latent injuries to the pudendal nerve. Transvaginal mesh [...]
Vigna Law Group: AUGS Response to TVM Disaster is Inept
The most severe complications of the transvaginal mesh debacle have always been and will continue to be the neurological [...]
Transobturator Sling Catastrophic Injuries: Foreseeable Injuries Ignored by Manufacturers
Transobturator sling manufacturers put profit over safety despite health authority statements confirming TVT-O "should not be offered routinely…" Ben [...]
England Health Agency: Transobturator slings should not be offered routinely
English Health Authorities after a lengthy appraisal of the transobturator slings used in the surgical management of SUI wrote [...]
Laparoscopic Burch Procedure Is The Gold Standard for Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Synthetic polypropylene mid-urethral slings used in the surgical management of SUI became standard of care ... claims as to [...]
Vaginal Mesh Is Not Inert Resulting in Ongoing Damage to Muscles and Nerves
Polypropylene mesh causes acute, chronic inflammation that cause pelvic floor myalgia, hip adductor myalgia (groin pain), pudendal and obturator [...]
Fluoroquinolone Use Still Unacceptable Despite Black Box Warnings
Life changing injuries caused by the inappropriate use of the commonly prescribed antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone drug class continues [...]
A Message to Dr. Ridgeway: “Synthetic slings are not the standard of care”
There is a large percentage of urologists, gynecologists, and urogynecologists who don’t place TOT slings because of catastrophic, life-altering [...]
Brain Injury Law: Facial Nerve Injury In TBI: Smile Early Or Smile Late
The second most common cause of facial nerve (FN) palsy is trauma and is most often caused by a [...]
COVID-19 and Nursing Home Staffing Shortages: Risk of Bed-Sores
State of the World’s Nursing estimated a shortage of 5.9 million nurses. Nursing homes are the most vulnerable population [...]
Bad News for Women: “The Altis Sling…Performance is Consistent with…Predicate Devices”
Does the Altis sling, like other mini-slings, reduce the risk of obturator and pudendal neuralgia when compared to TVT-O [...]