Vigna Law Group: Offers Immediate Expert Assessment of Decubitus Ulcers aka Bed Sores
Vigna Law Group, national neurological injury and pharmaceutical injury law firm offers immediate evaluation of bed sores that result [...]
Vigna Law Group Update: Transvaginal Mesh MDL Complaint Files in Focus
VLG has cases ready to file against Boston Scientific, Ethicon, and Coloplast in courts across the country. Here they [...]
Vaginal Mesh Defense Experts Can’t Say It…Pudendal Neuralgia
Transobturator slings were the standard of care for the surgical management of SUI but are now known to cause [...]
Bladder Pain Post-Sling: Potentially NOT INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS but Pudendal Neuralgia
Dr. Greg Vigna comments on interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome as an overlooked symptom of pudendal nerve compression. Dr. Andreas [...]
Transvaginal Mesh Litigation Post-MDL: It is about Secondary Nerve Entrapment
National pharmaceutical injury attorney and practicing physician comments on the status of the vaginal mesh litigation since the MDL [...]
Vigna Law Group: TVM litigation update…remember you weren’t hit by a FedEx Truck
Attorney, Ben Martin, comments on pharmaceutical injury litigation and how cases are long, tough fights but those in which [...]
Transvaginal Mesh Debacle: Doctors in the Blame Game
Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national pharmaceutical injury attorney, practicing physician, and Life Care Planner discusses next phase of [...]
TVM Update: Pudendal/Ilioinguinal/Obturator Neuralgia = Immeasurable Injury
Pharmaceutical injury attorney, Ben Martin, comments on need for monetary justice against manufacturers of mesh slings/devices that cause neurological [...]
Interstitial Cystitis: An Unrecognized Complication of Transvaginal Mesh Slings
Pudendal neuralgia from pudendal nerve entrapment in a majority of cases produce the same urological symptoms that are described [...]
Obturator internus muscle spasm or dystonia? Result is the same…Pudendal Neuralgia
TVT-O and the Obtryx sling cause pudendal neuralgia and the mechanism is acute injury to the obturator internus muscle [...]
TVM Manufacturers’ Temporary Reprieve from Losses via Safer Alternative Design
TVM manufacturers are having occasional success as cases with erosion type injuries are occasionally being lost at the Summary [...]
Transobturator Sling Catastrophic Injuries: Foreseeable Injuries Ignored by Manufacturers
Manufacturers continue to put profits over safety despite the strong position that transobturator slings cause harm. Ben Martin, Esq., [...]