Vaginal Mesh Scandal Ongoing as Adverse Events Continue
Dr. Greg Vigna comments on the Maude Adverse Event Report involving a woman who was implanted with a harmful [...]
Greg Vigna, MD, JD: Mini-slings: Less mesh, more big injuries
Dr. Greg Vigna comments on AUG's failure to recognize the chronic pain that results from the foreign body response [...]
Boston Scientific Corp. MDL has ended: Serious Injury Case Ongoing
On February 11, 2021 Judge Goodwin entered an order closing the Boston Scientific Corp.’s MDL case because “all substantive [...]
AUGS President Dr. Holly Richter: In Position to Stop Transobturator Slings
Dr. Greg Vigna discusses the hope that Dr. Holly Ritcher will protect women by moving to ban transobturator slings [...]
Greg Vigna, MD, JD: Transobturator Slings – The Truth Hurts
Defense experts and key opinion leaders for mesh manufacturers have known for years about the unreasonable risks of transobturator [...]
Greg Vigna, MD, JD: Brachial Plexus Injuries… Early Referral to Leading Experts
The Vigna Law Group comments on physicians' untimely diagnoses of brachial plexus, resulting in missed opportunities for high-quality treatment. [...]
Vaginal Mesh Attorney Laura Baughman Offers Education on the Legal Process Post-MDL
Attorney on the frontlines, trying to end the vaginal mesh debacle, releases podcast. “My firm represents a number of [...]
Dismissed Without Prejudice: Transvaginal Case Refiled in Arkansas
The Vigna Law Group comments on a lawsuit filed against Johnson and Johnson Inc. from a woman who was [...]
Greg Vigna, Doctor-Lawyer: Comments on the failures of Penumbra Inc. Jet 7
The Vigna Law Group comments on the failures of Penumbra Inc. Jet 7. “We have seen this before in [...]
Vigna Law Group: Crush Injuries to foot and hand = RSD = Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Dr. Greg Vigna discusses Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 (CRPS) and the suggested relationship to crush injuries. The [...]
Transobturator Transvaginal Mesh Slings: Scars Removed, Compensation Awaits
Dr. Greg Vigna follows-up on his January 23, 2019 Press Release: “Transobturator transvaginal mesh slings: Scars Remain on the [...]
Vigna Law Group: Neurological Injury Law Firm Comments on Penumbra Jet 7 Lawsuit
Vigna Law Group comments on Penumbra Jet 7 Lawsuit. “Penumbra Inc. made a mistake in its design of its [...]