We Believe AUGS Knows Why PVDF Is Not Used for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence

PVDF has proven safe and effective especially when compared with polypropylene “The most appropriate biomaterial is one that simply works with as little inflammatory response as possible. PVDF is superior to polypropylene as it has reduced inflammatory response, less scarring, and superior safety to polypropylene. Does the FDA not trust AUGS to reasonably study [...]

2023-03-08T19:19:11-07:00March 5th, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Retropubic Sling: Catastrophic Pain Syndromes Finally Getting Attention

Nearly 200,000 transvaginal mesh devices are placed into women each year, which cause foreseeable and unavoidable neurological injuries and life-altering pain.Nearly 200,000 transvaginal mesh (TVM) polypropylene sling devices are placed into women in the United States each year, many of which cause foreseeable and unavoidable neurological injuries and lifealtering pain syndromes. Very few women are [...]

2023-02-02T16:28:40-07:00April 2nd, 2020|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Where is PVDF… AUGS Does Nothing as Women Surgeons Stop Using Polypropylene

One third of women surgeons who treat stress urinary incontinence would not elect to have a polypropylene sling. Dr. Greg Vigna, mid-urethral sling attorney, “AUGS remains silent. The FDA remains silent. This at the same time 1/3 of women surgeons who treat stress urinary incontinence would not elect to have a polypropylene sling. What [...]

2023-01-28T18:02:46-07:00February 22nd, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Vigna Law Group: Boston Scientific’s Marlex Mesh, is Being Called the Worst Polypropylene on the Market

Any physician that implants a Boston Scientific’s marlex mid-urethral sling is exposed to big legal problems “Any physician that implants a Boston Scientific’s marlex mid-urethral sling is exposed to big legal problems. Marlex was bad in 1997 and is bad now. It is both heavy-weight and small pore. Marlex must be pulled from the [...]

2023-01-28T17:48:46-07:00February 14th, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Complete Retropubic Sling Removal, is it in the Doctor’s Repertoire

Women need access to care they deserve for mid-urethral sling complications by doctors who can provide both complete mesh removal and partial mesh mesh removal. “For women requesting mid-urethral sling (retropubic sling) excision, an open or laparoscopic approach can be employed to dissect out the retropubic arms. The latter provides a superior view of [...]

2023-01-27T20:19:24-07:00February 10th, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Wake Forest Baptist Health Urogynecologist: “Transobturator slings are done”

Trial data published in New England Journal of Medicine show that mini-slings don't reduce risk of groin pain when compared with full-length mid-urethral slings “I think TOT (transobturator slings) is done. It seems like there is no further reason to pass a sling all the way through the muscles of the inner thigh. It [...]

2023-01-27T20:04:56-07:00February 5th, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Nursing Homes: Hispanic Residents at Risk for Pressure Ulcers Simply Because they are Hispanic

Residents of nursing homes that have a higher concentration of Hispanic residents are more likely to have a pressure ulcer. “Decubitus ulcers are classified as ‘Never Events’ by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services because they are preventable by basic nursing care. Mexican Americans have nearly twice the risk of being admitted to [...]

2023-01-21T18:52:18-07:00January 21st, 2023|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Vigna Law Group Position Statement: FDA WAS DUKED on risks of mid-urethral slings

Despite mid-urethral slings entering the US market in 1998 the FDA has been fed deceptive studies that were designed to miss the long-term complications. “Despite mid-urethral slings entering the United States market in 1998 the FDA has been fed deceptive studies that were designed to miss the long-term complications that result in vaginal, groin, [...]

2022-11-30T16:13:44-07:00November 30th, 2022|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments

Polypropylene Mid-Urethral Slings: “God Awful Data”, Serious Complications Rate Revealed

Finally, there is a long-term study that captures the true rate of surgical complications from mid-urethral slings. “It has been over 25-years since the first polyproplene mid-urethral sling kit was sold in the United State and finally there is a long-term study that captures the true rate of surgical complications from mid-urethral slings as [...]

2022-11-04T16:47:55-07:00November 4th, 2022|News, Vaginal Mesh|0 Comments
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