“In patients with pulmonary valve infective endocarditis, the median age was 44 years … this study showed a substantial proportion (36.6%) of patients with right-side infective endocarditis with pulmonary valve involvement” states Dr. Yongseop Lee, Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea.

What else did Dr. Lee report in “Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors for Right‑sided Infective Endocarditis in Korea: A 12‑year Retrospective Cohort Study” in Scientific Reports (2024) 14:10466?

“The risk factors for right-sided infective endocarditis were younger age, implanted cardiac devices, and central venous catheterization.

In the right-sided infective endocarditis group, embolism prevention was the most common surgical indication, followed by heart failure. Heart failure and paravalvular complications.

The median age of patients with tricuspid valve involvement was 58 years, which was comparable to that of patients with left-side infective endocarditis (57 years).”

Read Dr. Yongseop Lee’s article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-60638-x

Dr. Greg Vigna, national sepsis attorney, states, “Central-line associated bloodstream infections and other PICC line infections are serious complications. An overwhelming majority of PICC lines, dialysis catheters, and other central lines on the market are defective because the polyurethane tubing that goes into the vein does not reduce the risk of infections. There are safer materials to polyurethane and silicone.”

Dr. Vigna concludes, “There are safer alternative designs for PICC lines, midlines, central lines, and dialysis catheters that substantially reduce the risk of infection and blood clots. Every patient, including neonates, those with cancer, and any sick person who requires central venous access for administration of TPN, antibiotics, fluids, and chemotherapy is at risk. Pharmaceutical companies have obsolete technology on the shelves of hospitals. Every person who receives polyurethane or silicone midlines, PICC lines, dialysis catheters, and other central lines is at risk of sepsis, septic shock, endocarditis, and other disastrous complications.”

What is sepsis? Multiple organ damage from inflammation as a result of infection that may result in organ damage to the brain, kidney, heart, liver, and lungs.

What is septic shock? A life-threatening condition that causes dangerously low blood pressure due to infection that may result in amputations of fingers and toes, brain damage, kidney failure, ventilator dependence, oxygen dependence, and nerve damage.

Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC lawyer who represents those with serious injuries caused by defective medical devices including PICC lines, midlines, central lines, dialysis catheters, and MedPorts. He represents the injured with the Ben Martin Law Group, a national pharmaceutical injury law firm in Dallas, Texas. The attorneys are product liability and medical malpractice attorneys, and they represent the most injured across the country.