“Complications of restraints include documented falls, decubitus ulcers, fractures, and death,” states John Ellis Agens, MD, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics.
Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, physician, and national malpractice attorney, states, “Serious injuries caused by physical restraints is considered by the National Quality Forum as a never event. The National Quality Forum considers any Stage III, Stage IV, and unstageable pressure ulcers acquired after admission to a healthcare setting. Injuries caused by chemical restraints used to reduce self-injurious behavior or protect the staff from violent behavior can also be serious.”
Read the National Quality Forum List of Serious Reportable Events: https://www.qualityforum.org/Topics/SREs/List_of_SREs.aspx
What did Dr. Agens report in “Chemical and Physical Restraint Use in the Older Person,” published in the British Journal of Medicine, BJMP 2010;3(1):302?:
“There is little data on the efficacy and benefits of restraints. Even when the indication to use a restraint is relatively clear, the outcome is often the opposite of the intention.
If used, the specific indication, time limit, and plan for ongoing reevaluation of the restraint must be clearly documented.
Effectiveness and adverse effects must be monitored. Restraint-free periods are also mandatory. The same is true for chemical restraints.
Periodic trials of dosage reduction and outcome are mandatory.”
Read Dr. Agens’ article: https://www.bjmp.org/files/2010-3-1/bjmp-2010-3-1.pdf#page=35
Dr. Greg Vigna, national malpractice attorney and wound care expert, says, “We see no distinction between Stage III or Stage IV decubitus ulcers caused by physical restraint when compared with chemical restraints. They are both considered ‘Never Events,’ and both cause the injured person to become dependent on the nursing staff for skin checks and routine repositioning when in bed. The hospital renders their patient helpless and doesn’t provide reliable pressure relief when they are laying or tied down in bed leading to a hospital-acquired Stage III or Stage IV decubitus ulcer.”
Dr. Vigna concludes, “We are investigating Stage III and Stage IV decubitus ulcers caused by physical and chemical restraints. These are ‘Never Event x 2’ lawsuits.”
Greg Vigna, MD, JD, is a national malpractice attorney and an expert in wound care. He is available for legal consultation for families and patients who have suffered decubitus ulcers due to poor nursing care at hospitals, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities. The Vigna Law Group, along with Ben C. Martin, Esq., of the Ben Martin Law Group, a Dallas, Texas national pharmaceutical injury law firm, jointly prosecute hospital and nursing home neglect cases that result in bedsores nationwide.
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