Vigna Law Group Announces PICC Line Legal Help Desk for Blood Clots and Infections

“Since 2013 there have been safer designs that are available that have added coating that leads to significantly reduced blood clots that lead to occlusion of the catheter and blood clots to the veins of the arm that can lead to pulmonary embolisms and blood infections," states Greg Vigna, MD, JD. Greg Vigna, MD, [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:53-07:00November 2nd, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Hospital Acquired Blood Infections: PICC Lines as Dangerous as Central Lines

Study finds similar infection rates between PICC lines and central venous catheters in hospitalized patients “When placed in hospitalized patients, PICCs are associated with a risk of central line-associated bloodstream infections that mirror that of central venous catheters” … Vineet Chopra, MD. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. September 2013, Vol. 34, No. 9. "We [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 20th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

Neonates and Sepsis: Safer PICC Line Technology Available

Older PICC lines and central lines are unreasonably dangerous as they cause avoidable injuries “The current National Healthcare Safety Network benchmark for central line-associated bloodstream infections in the NICU … is 2.16 per 1000 catheter days … The central line antibiotic bloodstream infection for PICCs removed because of confirmed sepsis was 2.86 per 1000 [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 13th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

PICC Line and Central Line Complications: A Safer Alternative Venous Catheter is Available

“With around 30% of PICCS developing serious complications, there is little doubt that improvements in technologies are needed…This technology is novel and potentially life-saving, and early trials have indicated safety," states Amanda Ullman, RN, PhD. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, national product liability attorney, PICC line and midline attorney states, “My law firm is investigating cases of blood [...]

2024-01-26T16:25:52-07:00November 6th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

PICC Line Complications in 15% of Children with Osteomyelitis, 3.4% Require Re-hospitalization

Providing antibiotics via a PICC line in both the inpatient and outpatient settings may not be as benign as once accepted. “Providing antibiotics via a PICC line in both the inpatient and outpatient settings may not be as benign as once accepted … Mounting evidence has called into question whether longer parenteral therapy is [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:57-07:00December 18th, 2023|Medical Malpractice, PICC Lines|0 Comments

PICC vs. Midline Study: Risk of Blood Clots, Sepsis, and Septic Shock

Increased utilization of midline catheters not associated with a decreased risk of deep vein thrombosis or sepsis when compared with PICC lines. “Though many institutions have started to adopt and utilize midline catheters in an attempt to decrease the complications associated with central lines, there have not been many studies, which compared the two [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:56-07:00February 2nd, 2024|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

PICC lines: “A Hidden Emerging Cause of Infection Outbreaks”

The risk of experiencing a bloodstream infection was significantly higher in patients with PICCs. The risk of experiencing a bloodstream infection was significantly higher in patients with PICCs. To reduce PICC-related blood stream infections and their related mortality, it is important to limit the overuse of PICCs and to implement a ‘no PICC’ policy [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:56-07:00January 29th, 2024|Medical Malpractice, News, PICC Lines|0 Comments

PICC Lines: Risk of Line Associated Thrombosis in Cancer Patients

Newer PICC lines substantially decrease the risk of occlusion of the catheter, swelling of the arm, blood clots, and blood infections. “This incidence of PICC thrombosis is relatively high, and nearly half are asymptomatic”… Dr. Yuxiu Liu, MD. Oncology Department, the Hospital of Qingdao University. What did Dr. Liu’s study “Peripherally inserted central catheter [...]

2024-01-26T16:24:56-07:00January 7th, 2024|Medical Malpractice, PICC Lines|0 Comments
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